Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Unicorn Store

Once upon a time, there was a NAREN.   A “NAREN” is somewhere you can buy anything you want that has a unicorn on it.  Or there is something else you can get for free.  You can get three quarters for free.  And there’s a big unicorn merry-go-round.  You can get unicorn jewelry, unicorn purses, and unicorn backpacks.  Or else you could get a nice snack or drink.  

One day, the NAREN was going to be a new carnival.  Everybody came to the carnival, and everybody knowed that the one unicorn was going to be given to the birthday girl.  She was having a birthday at the carnival because she hadded a birthday when the carnival was open.  And everybody came, and they hadded the birthday in the NAREN.  The End.

Dictated and illustrated by a four-year-old girl

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Two Girls’ Swim Team at the Beach

Once upon a time, there was two girls.  And they were packing up for the beach.  When they got to the beach it was very cold in the water.  The two girls were looking at the swirly swirls in the ocean.  Then one of the girls said, “Come on!  Swim faster!”  And then they saw a bunch of starfish and jellyfish.  And they saw the birds, and there was sunshine around them.  They had a good time at the beach.  The swim team was swimming the frog kick in the water, and the dive kick in the water.  They also did the float.  (That’s the ones I like to do too).  They winned the race and got a gold trophy.  The End

Dictated and illustrated by a 4-year-old girl