Monday, June 15, 2015

The Fairy and the Monster and the Magical Prince

One day there was a magical fairy and her name was Borina. And she hadded lots and lots of magic. And she sawed that there was a prince who could teach her it. And when she started to wave her wand there was no more magic in it. And there she sawded an evil monster nameded Zackzent and he hadded three eyeballs. And a prince wanted to help. And the monster wanted to kill the fairy princess. And the prince wanted to save the day and Borina. And he took the magic from the monster but it didn’t work. And he wanted to know if Rapunzel and the fairy princess were dangerous and they were so bad and the monster was good. So the prince saw that the princesses were bad and the bad guy was good. And she getted to waved her wand, she did it and her magic came back, but the monster used his suction cups to pull it away from her. And the magic was broken. But, when she waved her wand, the magic came back! But the monster wasn’t still dead. But she waved her wand again, it pushed and kicked monster. But he flied up really, really fast and high. But she waved her wand and the prince waved his sword, the monster was dead. And the monster was begined back. But the monster was still alive and he didn’t get dead. And her magic kicked the monster when he flied up, and it didn’t work again and again and again. And Rapunzel, named Abbie, wanted to save the day. She didn’t get hit, and the monster was dead. But she gotted trapped and she didn’t know how to get out. But another prince named Daddy and Andy and a princess named Maggie, and Mama, and Lily and all the princesses and all the princes, they saved the day. And they didn’t get hit, and they didn’t get died. And everybody turned into a lot of people and they saved the day, and the monster was dead. And hot lava came out of him.  And they didn’t get trapped. And the magical fairy wings and magic came back. And swords and long long hair for me. And the monster and the hot lava prince (that is bad) and they saw a lot of bad guys were still alive, and Darth Vader. And they jumped and they didn’t get dead and they sawed a magical headband and they gave it to Rapunzel and they said “Put it on!” and Darth Vader got dead. And they saw a magical apple for everyone. And so did the fairy princess. And every bad guy was still alive. And also Darth Vader was coming to see what’s the problem with the bad guys. And also another fairy princess named Maggie saved the day. And she had lots of giraffes that can shoot and kick those bad guys and eat them. And there was a walking brussel sprout! And there was a waterfall from the bad guys. And they wrapped the bad guys up. And they didn’t getted lose, but they used Darth Vader’s light saber to cut the rope. And the magic was trapped. And the fairy princess waved her wand and the magic got out of the trap and she lived happy ever after.

Dictated and illustrated by a 3-year-old girl